My masterpiece is coming along, I’m learning some things I didn’t get from the beginning. Something that fought my attention is that the fact the government doesn’t want to spend money on mental people because they said there’s no point if they will die. Honestly that makes no sense to me because everyone will die but just because they are mental they won’t spend money. That’s going into  stigma . I didn’t know what stigma mean but now I do thanks to Dr.preson. Anyways so I know that I will be set by my due date.
My grandma and I are fighting. We haven’t talked for over a little over a month. She is not talking to me because I haven’t said sorry, why would I say sorry if I’m not sorry for what happens ? I am not mad at her I will talk to her but I will not say sorry. I tell me self everyday “ why wake up to a whole new day and live that day that already last” meaning why wake up on a Tuesday and still live with what happened on a Monday? Like just let it go don’t be mad it takes more time to be mad then to be nice. That’s how I go about with everything in the world. Like no matter the pain the person put you through just let it go the next day because the could not be around that long.

You need to get to the point Structure- beginning, middle, end Flow- tie together  Evidence (support) - from book  Mechanic- spellin...