1:19 AM Sunday morning, laying in bed not a sound in the house . Wide awake ..... why do we have feelings ? Life is just a funny thing.... make money to buy things .... have phones to contact people around the world... feelings .... that’s another story! Has the brain asked the heart why do you have feelings ? Feelings is one MAJOR problem in this world ... without feelings there wouldn’t be this crazy world that’s standing today. It’s a big part of our lives . This shouldn’t be something people should be hurt by....something is bugging it messes up the rest of your night..... can’t sleep feels stupid .... just annoyed..  constantly  wondering about others opinions.... too many eyes looking .... feels as if people are talking about the  intruder .... all leads to this thing that has caused not only.. pain.... war.... deaths..... but this world to be a closed book....
This gif is explains how I was all year I was lost  throughout the course . I didn’t read the books Dr.preston said to read. I would just ask someone to tell me what the book was about. I didn’t do my  journals  I would just sit there in my own world alone or maybe talking to my friends

You need to get to the point Structure- beginning, middle, end Flow- tie together  Evidence (support) - from book  Mechanic- spellin...