Why i'm i so tired ? Is it mentally Tired or I'm I really tired ?

I'm sitting here thinking about what to post about and as I'm sitting here bored, i'm yawning. I am tired yes, but i'm I really tired or is it mental? so I look it up and I find out that being tired can be mental but the cause of being tired can also be a result of health issues: depression, heart disease, chronic illness, and autoimmune disease can all lead to insomnia or trouble sleeping. all of the theses cause you to have trouble sleeping. but me I sleep well or I have a good enough nap to were I wake up and I don't feel tired.if your mentally tired you will know because it becomes harder to stay focuses on a task, make health decisions and remind calm.
Jessica might of heard a part of the poem, or she might be going through something similar to the poem that's why she posted and remembered it. Sometimes things come up randomly and you remember for no reason.

Theme: men vs. Socity
Tone: reality
Mood: trust
When he uses immigrants hesbtalking about the prisoners.  The tone of this was
Jim's mom got biten by a rattlesnake when she was giving birth.
Jim will be able to see in the dark because the venom.
At age 10 he has 20 years of prison.
He can relate to certain people because the way he feels and thinks.
Baca published  poems his first collections published  1973.
Because works at workshops now and receives frequent  visits from public school education.

Self-Reliance essay

Emerson's title is Self-Reliance. It's called Self-Reliance because you're the only person who can tell yourself what to do and be who you want to be. In the essay, he pointed out the main idea about tone, diction, and syntax. This essay didn't help me because I already have my own mindset to how I want it to be. I put my foot down when people try to run my left. I don't let that happen because I do what I want and I become who I want to become.
     In the essay self-reliance written by Emerson, his main idea for tone was inspirational. It's inspirational because in the essay Emerson said " the soul always hears an admonition in such lines, let the subject be what it may" in other words this to me means to stop listening to others, and start being who you want to be, rather than someone your not. This is inspirational because so many people expect everyone to be the same. everyone is different but not many are truly themselves. They just let people tell them who to become and how to live their lives, rather than living their life just the way they want to.
     Diction in Emerson's essay would be allusions and analogies of historical figures. Emerson believes that people follow the head leader so they can protect themselves and their wealth. "self-reliance is its aversion". This shows the audience that they must be willing to speak the truth without being afraid to say it.
    In self-reliance Emerson's syntax is philosophy because he has long paragraphs, run on sentences and uses big words. "there is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance... given to high to till" this is a long sentence.
    All in all in this essay on Self-Reliance by Emerson. He is basically saying to be your own person. You are who you are, not to be someone else. His words have a strong meaning.

Emerson for the young buck

If I would have to explain " on Self-Reliance" to a ten-year-old I would say don't let someone control your life. If you feel someone is trying to control your life then step up and tell them " this is my life and I do what I want and become who I want to become". This is your life and not someone else to control, you're your own person so be yourself.

You need to get to the point Structure- beginning, middle, end Flow- tie together  Evidence (support) - from book  Mechanic- spellin...