This is my final presentation.
Why i'm i so tired ? Is it mentally Tired or I'm I really tired ?
I'm sitting here thinking about what to post about and as I'm sitting here bored, i'm yawning. I am tired yes, but i'm I really tired or is it mental? so I look it up and I find out that being tired can be mental but the cause of being tired can also be a result of health issues: depression, heart disease, chronic illness, and autoimmune disease can all lead to insomnia or trouble sleeping. all of the theses cause you to have trouble sleeping. but me I sleep well or I have a good enough nap to were I wake up and I don't feel tired.if your mentally tired you will know because it becomes harder to stay focuses on a task, make health decisions and remind calm.
Jim's mom got biten by a rattlesnake when she was giving birth.
Jim will be able to see in the dark because the venom.
At age 10 he has 20 years of prison.
He can relate to certain people because the way he feels and thinks.
Baca published poems his first collections published 1973.
Because works at workshops now and receives frequent visits from public school education.
Jim will be able to see in the dark because the venom.
At age 10 he has 20 years of prison.
He can relate to certain people because the way he feels and thinks.
Baca published poems his first collections published 1973.
Because works at workshops now and receives frequent visits from public school education.
Self-Reliance essay
Emerson's title is Self-Reliance. It's called Self-Reliance because you're the only person who can tell yourself what to do and be who you want to be. In the essay, he pointed out the main idea about tone, diction, and syntax. This essay didn't help me because I already have my own mindset to how I want it to be. I put my foot down when people try to run my left. I don't let that happen because I do what I want and I become who I want to become.
In the essay self-reliance written by Emerson, his main idea for tone was inspirational. It's inspirational because in the essay Emerson said " the soul always hears an admonition in such lines, let the subject be what it may" in other words this to me means to stop listening to others, and start being who you want to be, rather than someone your not. This is inspirational because so many people expect everyone to be the same. everyone is different but not many are truly themselves. They just let people tell them who to become and how to live their lives, rather than living their life just the way they want to.
Diction in Emerson's essay would be allusions and analogies of historical figures. Emerson believes that people follow the head leader so they can protect themselves and their wealth. "self-reliance is its aversion". This shows the audience that they must be willing to speak the truth without being afraid to say it.
In self-reliance Emerson's syntax is philosophy because he has long paragraphs, run on sentences and uses big words. "there is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance... given to high to till" this is a long sentence.
All in all in this essay on Self-Reliance by Emerson. He is basically saying to be your own person. You are who you are, not to be someone else. His words have a strong meaning.
In the essay self-reliance written by Emerson, his main idea for tone was inspirational. It's inspirational because in the essay Emerson said " the soul always hears an admonition in such lines, let the subject be what it may" in other words this to me means to stop listening to others, and start being who you want to be, rather than someone your not. This is inspirational because so many people expect everyone to be the same. everyone is different but not many are truly themselves. They just let people tell them who to become and how to live their lives, rather than living their life just the way they want to.
Diction in Emerson's essay would be allusions and analogies of historical figures. Emerson believes that people follow the head leader so they can protect themselves and their wealth. "self-reliance is its aversion". This shows the audience that they must be willing to speak the truth without being afraid to say it.
In self-reliance Emerson's syntax is philosophy because he has long paragraphs, run on sentences and uses big words. "there is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance... given to high to till" this is a long sentence.
All in all in this essay on Self-Reliance by Emerson. He is basically saying to be your own person. You are who you are, not to be someone else. His words have a strong meaning.
Emerson for the young buck
If I would have to explain " on Self-Reliance" to a ten-year-old I would say don't let someone control your life. If you feel someone is trying to control your life then step up and tell them " this is my life and I do what I want and become who I want to become". This is your life and not someone else to control, you're your own person so be yourself.
old website from 8th grade AVID
So in 8th graded i had to make a weebly for AVID go head and check it out. I cant go back on it to update it but its nice because its old work
young girls grabbing older guys attention by what they wear
When girls walk down a street wearing shorts, why do older guys have to turn around and look? like i don't understand why older guys have to look at a girl that way! Its very disgusting. Not only has it happened to me but it happens all the time to a lot of girls. Honestly the guys that look at the girls wearing shorts or tank tops happen to more Mexican people. Now I'm not trying to be rude but if you pay attention to the guys out in the streets, stores and party's it happens to be more of the Mexican people. Like I don't get why they do this. Speaking from a personal experience I feel uncomfortable when guys as old as thirty years old look at me when I have shorts. Is it my fault i want to wear shorts when its hot? Like should i not wear shorts because it grabs the older guys attention? Like that's what my dad would tell me " don't wear shorts if you don't want them to look at you" like is it really my fault? I think people just need to learn what respect is and stop starting at these young girls wearing shorts and tank tops.
Something interesting about the book im reading
Something interesting in the book " the summer I turned pretty" is how Belly leaves every summer to go to her mom's ( Laural) friends beach house. Susannah has three sons. One of her sons named Conrad asked Belly if she wanted to go to the boardwalk with him. When they get there he buys her a Carmel apple and himself a coke. Then after Belly finshed her Carmel apple,they head to the ringtoss. Belly thought he wanted to win her a stuff animal. When they arrived he was just looking at the girl working there as if he likes her. Belly asked him if he wasnted to get to know her. He said yes. So Belly went up to the girl and starts a conversation as ses talking Conrad hopped in the conversation. Belly ran off to the Ferris wheel to leave Conred. Later that night he comes to get Belly , he has a stuffed animal in his hand. Belly later found out the girls name. But at the end of the noght Belly was heartbroken because she liked Conrad. She thought Conrad wanted to go to the boardwalk to spend time with her but he only went to see the girl that worked at ringtoss.
The picture to the left was prom day!It was a wonderful day!It was even better because I got to go with my best friend (the white girl).When she and I found out that we were going to prom together we were so happy!Well the guy I went to prom was my best friend and I later found out he liked me. and well he texted my ex.I just got so mad so I almost didn't go to prom with him (the one on the far right)
This is my best friend, she's always has been there for me.She can be a bitch, I sometimes want to kick her ass.Well, anyways we found something interesting about the guy she went to prom with!He is going to be getting married less than 8 months!It's a shock because he only has been with this girl for 2 months.The guy's name is Luis, he was with my friend for 4 months but yet he's getting married to someone he has only been with for 2 months.I find that very funny because I texted him and was like " so I heard your getting married". He texted back saying "yes I am, I've always wanted to get married". so you're telling me that he's the only reason he's getting married to someone has been with for 2 months is because he just wants to get married.

This is the guy I went to prom with.We don't talk but honestly, I wish I still do because I miss talking to him. Last time I talk to him was when I texted him about his jackets and his shirts I have of his. The last time he said he was in L.A. watch is sad because honestly, I do miss him. I honestly did like him but I told some people I didn't because I was still head over heels for my ex. Well, he texts my ex about me one night.I found out because my ex-message me saying " Steve texted me saying your talking to him" and I said the truth that I was. Well, i cut Steve off because I thought he was being immature because why did he have to text my ex? Like there was more said but that was just the basics.
S.M.A.R.T. Goals
S- What do you want to accomplish?
I want to become better at basketball.
M- How will you know when you have accomplished your goal?
Positive feed back, more playing time during a game, making my shots 90%
A- How can the goal be accomplished?
Taking time to go shot , practice on my own , have someone play defense, and saying after practice to get help from my couch
R- Is this goal worth working hard to accomplish? Explain.
Yes, I feel very comfortable with this topic and it help me in the long run
T- By when will the goal be accomplished?
well im hoping it can be accomplished before November.
R- Is this goal worth working hard to accomplish? Explain.
Yes, I feel very comfortable with this topic and it help me in the long run
T- By when will the goal be accomplished?
well im hoping it can be accomplished before November.
people suck
so this weekend I asked my ex for my things that are at his house back. He didn't text me back but I went over to get it myself. Well he wasn't home and since he wasn't home I kind of looked for myself , but didn't want to be disrespectful so I asked his friend to help since its their stuff not mine. Well his friend was acting stupid and acted like I never said something got him. So I went back to the room and roamed some more . finally I got tired and was like " Travis bullshit aside, help me please" he gets up and looks see he just looked he didn't move things around. Than we go downstairs and I'm like " tell him go give it to Gabe" and walked out. I texted Gabe and said I couldn't find myself and he said its right next to the door. He checked my backpack because I wanted to know what was in it and in the bag was shorts, stuffed animals and pictures and ID's. Something in that was a shirt that I bought him, it made me mad. It makes me mad because I didn't ask for the things I got for him because I don't think its cool if someone gets you something as a gift that you don't ask for it back. That's just wrong. well anyways so this brings me to me asking for my blanket. he has my batman blanket and wont give it to me he said " why should i give it to you if i brought it and you don't want nothing to do with me . I told him " because you got it for my as my birthday and Christmas gift" "but you know what keep it i don't want that's some bullshit that you told me that you will never be like my father but look you are your keeping things that you got for me ". It makes me mad how hes acting immature about this situation.
vocabulary sentence
For students, there is a tendency to socialize in the evenings.
The antiseptic modernity of a conference center.
For students, there is a tendency to socialize in the evenings.
The antiseptic modernity of a conference center.
Jane doe
Jane doe was talking to this guy she has caught feelings for. John Doe is the guy she was talking to. One day some serious stuff happened over social media and Jane doe saw it with her own eyes. Her eyes started to water up, this bright girl somehow one day becomes very weak. Her mom see's something wrong and later on a Monday night, she walked in Jane's room. "Sweetly whats wrong, you haven't been eating ", "nothing mom I'm fine its nothing (pulls a blanket over her full body and turns the opposite way from her mom)". Jane soon starts to receive messages, snapchats, request to follow on Instagram from many people. So the following morning Jane wakes up wishing she never sent what she did and just is having a hard time. Its a drag for her to come to school because everyone's eyes are on her you hear "that's her","what a hoe". All she did was put trust in someone, and for that, she gets her shit sent out to a group chat and now it's all over social media. One day Jane doe just got tired of the shit people are giving her and texted john doe saying "all because of you're childish, everything is out, you have the balls to send it out I'll see you in court ". John texted back saying " what are you talking about". And she said, "don't act retired I have the pictures of the chat you sent them to, just know we will handle this in court and that I have all the proof I need"! Jane Doe is now finding out who her true friends. Out of the blue, a guy Andy texted her saying " are you okay? I saw what happened." The Very caring guy she has no idea who he, he texted her the day after and then again. He's her best friend now because all he did was help her. She's glad she's finding out who still there wanting to stand by her side! And not ashamed to be friends with her because everything that's going on is nothing by lies !!!! Everyone has their own way of thinking and it's hard to change someone's thoughts. So she is being as strong as she can and moving pass it because from 10 years from now no one's going to remember, she's being the older person and not fighting fire with fire. John isn't innocent and he's lucky because Jane isn't childish like he is.
This is for my friend.
Stay strong !!!
This is for my friend.
Stay strong !!!
vocabulary: fall list #1
didactic-intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive
vocabulary: fall list #1
contumacious- (especially of a defendant's behavior) stubbornly or willfully disobedient to authority.
vocabulary: fall list #1
bauble- something that is superficially attractive but useless or worthless.
vocabulary: fall list #1
ascetic- characterized by or suggesting the practice of severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons.
vocabulary: list #1
apotheosis- the highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax.
vocabulary: fall list #1
syntax- the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language.
vocabulary: fall list #1
mood- is a literary element that evokes certain feelings or vibes in readers through words and descriptions
vocabulary: fall list #1
tone- the general character or attitude of a place, piece of writing, situation, etc.
vocabulary list #3
intransigent- unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something.
vocabulary list #3
reconnaissance- military observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features.
English notes
Cornell Notes
Name: Desttiny M. colunga
Topic: vocabulary
Date: August 21, 2017
Period: 6
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Essential Question:
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Theme - central or main idea in a text
Tone - author's attitude towards : subject , characters and/or audience
Mood - emotion the reader feels
Diction - words that author uses
Syntax - the way the author choose to put the words together
Riches and wealth cannot be true happies
Can judge by how the apper on the outside
Stop wanting more then what you have because you wanting is going to lead you to death
Dramatic shift
Right - entitled to #
Opinion - personal perspective
The purpose of argument is understanding
Be hard on ideas but soft on eachother
Tool for understanding
vocabulary: fall list #1
theme- the subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person's thoughts, or an exhibition; a topic.
Since I've been little I've always wanted to have a better life than the life my family lived. So in my family I’m what you call a black sheep because I don't go do drugs I don't do what I shouldn't be. I pay attention to what my brothers and cousins do so I don't mess up like them. Also I pay attention to my dad because he's just so messed up and his life will go no where. When I grow up I will have what they don’t have such as ; a car , my own house ; money and my kids with things they need. I don't ever wanna follow my dad's steps because they just are not good steps towards life. My mom's life isn't great either. She just got out prison and is trying to get back into my brothers and sisters life.
My mom went to prison when I was in 6th grade and got out 2017 summer. My older brother who is 18 doesn't want her in his life. I personally don't know what to do I want her in my life but then at the same time shes has a bad background. I’m giving her the chance to see if she changed and she's showing me she is changing. I like that she is helping me out since i’m living with my friend.
I've been living with my friend for two months since I just couldn't deal with my dad. My dad and I always bump heads and never get along. He has absolutely no trust in me and always thinks I’m making up stories. I have problems doing my sports because of him. He is the number one person that helped me become who I am and the number one person that holds me back to becoming who I want to be. Since I've been living with my friend I’ve been stress free and been able to play my sports with no problem.
I play basketball and volleyball. I've been playing basketball since junior high school. I only played volleyball my 8th grade year. I love both sports because one it keeps me busy and two it helps me let my anger out rather than starting problems because how mad I get.
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You need to get to the point Structure- beginning, middle, end Flow- tie together Evidence (support) - from book Mechanic- spellin...
Since I've been little I've always wanted to have a better life than the life my family lived. So in my family I’m what you...
Jim's mom got biten by a rattlesnake when she was giving birth. Jim will be able to see in the dark because the venom. At age 10 he ha...